Bollywood has always been on limelight and netizens always keep supporting their favorite stars. Recently filmmaker Rohit Shetty gets slammed due to such demeaning comments to Katrina. But, Katrina came forward to defend Rohit and jot down on her Instagram story that the ‘comment has been taken out of context’.
Kat wrote: “Dear friends and well-wishers, I generally never comment on the articles...but I think Rohit’s comment has been twisted and taken out of context. The comment is been totally misunderstood. I am referring that comment what has Rohit Shetty said, ‘nobody would look at you as there are three superstars and a blast grand opening’. This is what he said.
Katrina also said that they had been sharing a beautiful friendship bond for years. She elucidated the story behind his comment: “During the making of Sooryavanshi, suddenly I blinked in the shot and then Rohit said, ‘nobody will notice you as there are four people in the frame and a blast opening’. Despite that, we have made one more shot. Rohit Shetty is a great friend of mine and we had been sharing a warm friendship over the years and have always enjoyed our discussions on almost everything starting from cinema to my character.
He has always been stood beside me. So this is totally has been taken out of context. I hope you all have a great day ahead”.
Even if Katrina defends Rohit Shetty, but netizens rigorously slammed the filmmaker for his alleged comment to Katrina, ‘Nobody is going to look at you’ when a retake was asked by Katrina while making the film ‘Sooryavanshi’.
So netizens please calm down as Katrina confesses that have been happening while making the climax scene of Sooryavanshi. This movie co-star, including, Ajay Devgan, Akshay Kumar, and Ranveer Singh.