Kumar Kanani’s son threatened one of the constables Sunita Yadav stating that “he will make her stand at the same place for 365 days”. As per the reports, the women police officer is transferred to the police headquarters. She was transferred to the police headquarters after the squabble when she reported this fight with the son of Bhartiya Janata Party legislator for breaking the rules in Surat.
There was an inquiry after the audio and video clip of the incident went viral on social media.
Prakash Kanani who is the son of Varachha Road MLA and Minister of State for Health Kumar Kanani had a heated argument with the police officer. Sunita stated that he and his friends were roaming out in the curfew time which was not acceptable.
Sunita was on her patrol duty on Saturday night when the incident took place. According to the sources they were not wearing the masks and Sunita stopped them and snatched their keys after which one of them called up the minister’s son for help. After they called him then he comes at the spot according to the video.
After Kanani’s son arrived and made the statement of making her stand at the same spot for 365 days she boldly replied that she was not their slave. Later she was transferred.
In the video, she was also seen making the man remove “MLA Gujrat “banner from his car”. Prakash Kanani and his two friends were arrested and afterward released on bail.
Surat Police Commissioner RB Brahmbhatt has set up an inquiry for this matter under Assistant Commissioner of Police CK Patel who was the one who relieved Yadav from the duty.
Kanani said that his son was on the way to a civil hospital where his father-in-law is under the treatment of Corona Virus.
After the incident took place Yadav has also gone on sick leave not stating anything further.