Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma's fans were quite surprised when she found the name of Afghanistan star spinner, Rashid Khan's wife on Google. The story behind why this is happening is also quite interesting. According to media reports, Rashid Khan was recently asked to name his favourite Bollywood actress during an Instagram chat session. In response to this question, Rashid took the names of Anushka Sharma and Preity Zinta. Rashid had been in the news since then, and since then, people started searching for the names of Anushka Sharma and Rashid Khan together and this is probably the reason why Google is showing Anushka Sharma as Rashid Khan's wife.
It started when a screenshot went very viral on social media. In this, the Google search in the name of Afghan cricketer Rashid Khan's wife shows the name of Anushka Sharma. The wedding date is visible on December 11, 2017. The special thing is that despite the news being so viral, Google has not corrected this mess.
Let us tell you that Bollywood queen, Anushka Sharma tied the knot with Indian team captain Virat Kohli in 2017. Both of them married in Italy and not in India. Both of them have already revealed that the little guest in their house is going to come soon. Anushka also visited the Dubai International Cricket Stadium to watch the match between Challengers Bangalore and Chennai Super Kings.
RCB defeated CSK by 37 runs in this match. Virat Kohli played an excellent knock of 90 not out. Anushka was grinned to see Virat's tremendous performance and gave the cricketer a flying kiss. Fans also spotted that Anushka was wearing a blue colour dress during this, in which her baby bump was also seen.
While you talk about Rashid Khan, he is an Afghan cricketer and is the current vice-captain of his team. In the IPL, he is representing Sunrisers Hyderabad in UAE. According to the resources, during an interview, Rashid Khan had said that he is not married.
Not only this but a few days ago, the name of John Kumar Sanu, son of Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu, had also gone wrong. Some people noticed that the Google search was showing the name ‘Kumar Janu' as Kumar Sanu's son. Twitter was also flooded with a lot of memes made about this. After this, John Kumar Sanu had to clarify his name himself. He later settled the matter by contacting Google.
Disclaimer: The news on the Website have been compiled from a variety of sources and cannot vouch for the veracity of the stories.