Priyanka Chopra has always been promoting Indian talent and appreciated the achievements of Indians in every arena. Even though she has moved to Hollywood, at heart she is a true Indian and has proved that her roots are strong.
Recently, Indian mathematics honours student Neelakantha Bhanu was titled, “World’s Fastest Human Calculator”. He participated in the Mental Calculation World Championship at Mind Sports Olympiad where 30 mathematicians from 13 countries were competing with each other.
On the joyous win, Priyank Chopra shared the news on her Twitter account and applauded the big win of the boy.
When Neelakantha was asked how he felt he said, “It feels that the efforts have paid off, but it’s also a lot of responsibility. There is a lot to do now.”
Maths came into his life at the age of five when he met with an accident. He shared the story, “Doctors said that I would be cognitively impaired if I didn’t keep working on these skills. So my mom brought me puzzles and that’s how I knew my inclination was there. I realised that calculations are something that I loved doing.”
“There are other skill sets that I need to hone. If I was just a mathematics calculator and didn’t know how the business worked or how the policy worked, I wouldn’t be able to contribute anything at all,” says Bhanu who has 50 Limca Records and four world records to his name.
“They knew that I did something along the lines of calculations but I would just smile when they would ask me,” he answered the question whether his teachers and peers knew about his calculation skills.
Growing up a prodigy, did relatives or neighbours ask to showcase his skills? “It used to happen a lot when I was a kid, but after a time, even the people got tired. None of it is a surprise for them. In Delhi, I have posed as a magician and done shows at bars, without revealing that I have these records,” he says.
He shares how cinema increased his affinity towards the subject, “I am proud to say that Bollywood has successfully made it popular. My favourite movie on Math is The Man Who Knew Infinity (2016). The traction that I am getting now has been because this was preceded by all these films. Had it been anything else, or had the event not been called the Olympiad, this would not have happened.”
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