A star strayed from its path was savagely engulfed by the intermediate black hole which has 50,000 times more mass than the sun. The Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope and two X-ray observatories to investigate the black hole and found that it is from the dwarf galaxy and is 740 million light years away from the Earth. The black hole is a powerful dark force or pull that is so fierce that not even light can escape.
The scientists discovered that the black hold is only an intermediate black hole not the super massive black hole which is in the centre of the galaxy or a stellar mass black hole formed by the destruction of individual stars.
According to Natalie Webb, an astrophysicist at University of Toulouse, “We confirmed that an object that we discovered originally back in 2010 is indeed an intermediate-mass black hole that ripped apart and swallowed a passing star.”
The scientists have spent four decades finding intermediate black holes, but could only find 10 out of the many existing. Ms. Webb said, “Finding a new one is very significant. Also, a black hole swallowing a star happens on average only once every 10,000 years or so in any particular galaxy so these are rare occurrences,”
The super massive black hole in the Milky Way is 4 million times more than the mass of the sun and is 26,000 light years away from the Earth and finding an intermediate black hole can possibly be the missing link in understanding the black holes. Currently, there is no information available on the formation of the intermediate black holes.