India is under strict lockdown as the positive cases of Coronavirus are escalating, and amid all the challenges, notorious elements are spreading anti-social messages to provoke violence. A Muslim man, Mujeeb, who was working in Infosys as a technical architect, was arrested as he was advocating the spread of the deadly virus on social media.
The technical architect was openly spreading messages like, “Let’s join hands, go out & sneeze with open mouth in public. Spread the virus.” Soon his post reached the masses, and netizens demanded strict action to be taken against the employee. When the company did not receive any responses, people started sending hate tweets on the post and began tagging Infosys. Later, there was a tweet by Infosys clarifying, “We strongly reaffirm our commitment to responsible social sharing.”
Does @Infosys endorse the views of Mujeeb Mohammad as he wants to spread Corona virus and calls for 'To spread the word to end the world'?@DgpKarnataka
— Rita ?? (@RitaG74) March 26, 2020
#ShameOnInfosys posting any comments in social media is subject to the freedom of expression of an individual. Poking nose on personal info is absolutely condemnable also it’s against our constitution also it violates MNC’s UN compliance.. legal action should be taken
— Arunkumar (@arunztweetz) March 27, 2020
The company further added that they are conducting a preliminary inquiry, and only then action will be decided. After the initial investigations, they said that it looks like a case of mistaken identity. Meanwhile, the police located the employee who was spreading such messages on social media and arrested him.
Mujeeb was arrested from Electronic City by the City Crime Branch of the Bengaluru Police. Later, Infosys informed the netizens via tweet that they have completed the investigation, and it turns out that the person is indeed the employee of the company. They further stated that the employee had been terminated immediately as the social media post by the employee is against Infosys’ code of conduct and its commitment to responsible social sharing. Infosys has a zero-tolerance policy towards such acts and has accordingly terminated the services of the employee”.
Infosys has completed its investigation on the social media post by one of its employees and we believe that this is not a case of mistaken identity. (1/2)
— Infosys (@Infosys) March 27, 2020
The social media post by the employee is against Infosys’ code of conduct and its commitment to responsible social sharing. Infosys has a zero tolerance policy towards such acts and has accordingly, terminated the services of the employee. (2/2)
— Infosys (@Infosys) March 27, 2020
It is not the first time that anti-social elements have tried to spread hateful messages or spread fake news. An incident took place in Nagpur were three people sent a video message claiming there are 59 positive cases in the city. The Nagpur police have arrested the three men Jay Gupta (37), Amit Pardhi (38), and Divyanshu Mishra (33) for spreading fake news via a clip and creating a nuisance.