Coronavirus has made everyone live in constant fear of their life. As the cases are increasing in India, and the government has announced a complete lockdown for 21 days till 14th April, traffic police are also finding ways to ensure lockdown is observed. People do not commute without any reason.
To ensure tight curfew is being followed in Chennai, one police officer, Rajesh Babu donned a helmet designed in the shape of Coronavirus. A local artist B. Gowtham designed the Coronavirus helmet as he wanted to create mass awareness amongst the people. The artist stated in an interview with CNN that," People are not hygienic enough." "We have government orders not to come out -- but still, we're seeing people roaming here and there without proper safety equipment, without masks."
Inspector Rajesh Babu wears the helmet the whole day and tells the travellers that, "If you go out, I will come in." It is indeed an innovative way of spreading mass awareness and telling people to take the lockdown seriously.
The current statistics of India are alarming as there are 1397 positive cases and 35 deaths. India has reached the third phase of the pandemic, where mass infections and fatalities take place. Now is the time when extra precautions need to be taken as any carelessness can cost you a life. Let's support our nation, health care professionals, and police by staying indoors in these testing times and beat the deadly virus.